10 research outputs found

    Mining XML documents with association rule algorithms

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 59-63)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 63 leavesFollowing the increasing use of XML technology for data storage and data exchange between applications, the subject of mining XML documents has become more researchable and important topic. In this study, we considered the problem of Mining Association Rules between items in XML document. The principal purpose of this study is applying association rule algorithms directly to the XML documents with using XQuery which is a functional expression language that can be used to query or process XML data. We used three different algorithms; Apriori, AprioriTid and High Efficient AprioriTid. We give comparisons of mining times of these three apriori-like algorithms on XML documents using different support levels, different datasets and different dataset sizes

    Mining XML documents with association rule algorithms

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 59-63)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 63 leavesFollowing the increasing use of XML technology for data storage and data exchange between applications, the subject of mining XML documents has become more researchable and important topic. In this study, we considered the problem of Mining Association Rules between items in XML document. The principal purpose of this study is applying association rule algorithms directly to the XML documents with using XQuery which is a functional expression language that can be used to query or process XML data. We used three different algorithms; Apriori, AprioriTid and High Efficient AprioriTid. We give comparisons of mining times of these three apriori-like algorithms on XML documents using different support levels, different datasets and different dataset sizes

    Social studies textbooks in Turkey in terms of citizenship and human rights: a critical discourse analysis: Social studies textbooks in terms of citizenship and human rights

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    Educational institutions play a significant role in today’s world, where the concepts of democracy and human rights gain more and more importance day by day. Every country aims to provide the qualifications that its citizens believe they should have via educational institutions. While doing this, it can reflect the current ideology of the period into curricula. In Turkey, as a democratic country, the most important course in which the content related to citizenship and human rights is conveyed at the primary level is the social studies course. In this study, it is aimed to examine the situations of including the concepts of human rights and citizenship in social studies textbooks used in Turkey with critical discourse analysis. For this purpose, text analyzes were conducted using Sketch Engine software. The textbooks were compared with the Turkish web pages in terms of the concepts related to citizenship and human rights, and the use of these concepts in the text was evaluated through a critical approach. The results revealed that the selected textbooks touched on some concepts related to human rights and citizenship very superficially; the treatment of some concepts was not compatible with social realities. It was concluded that it could not be sufficient enough to offer courses with such concepts as women's rights, feminism, gender equality, ethnicity, belief, political rights, and multiculturalism

    Evaluation of serum adenosine deaminase, xanthine oxidase activities and uric acid levels in coal miners

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    Bu çalışma kömür madeni işçileri serum adenozin deaminaz (ADA), ksantin oksidaz (XO) aktiviteleri ve ürik asit düzeylerini araştırmak üzere planlandı. T lenfositlerin fonksiyonu ve matürasyonuna katkıda bulunan ADA, hücresel immuni-tenin bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilmektedir. ADA aynı zamanda inflamatuar cevap ve sitokin üretimi ile ilişkili olan adenozinin plazma seviyesini düzenler. XO, ADA ile birlikte pürin metabolizması enzimidir ve ürik asit oluşumu reaksiyonunu katalizlemektedir. Mesleksel kömür madeni tozuna maruz kalma pnömokonyoz, bronşit, amfizem ve silikozis gibi bir çok akciğer hastalığına neden olmaktadır. Maden işçisi akciğer has-talıklarının patogenezi ile ilgili önemli faktörlerden birisi de kömür tozunun hücresel ve humoral immun sistemi etkilemesidir. Bu çalışmada kömür madeninde çalışan 51 erkek çalışma grubu ve kömür madeninde çalışmayan 51 erkek kontrol grubu olarak alındı. Her iki gruptan alınan kan örneklerinden ADA, XO aktiviteleri ve ürik asit düzeyleri çalışıldı. İşçi grubu serum ADA ve XO aktivitesi ve ürik asit düzeyi kontrol grubundan anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu (p<O.OOl, p<0.05, p<0.01). Sonuç olarak; maden kömürü işçileri ADA enzim aktivitesindeki azalma nedeni ile immun yetmezlik sendromu gelişimi riski altındadırlar. Bu nedenle kömür madeni işçilerinin plazma ADA aktivitelerinin belirli periyotlarla değerlendirilmesi hem immun sistem fonksiyonlarını hem de akciğer patolojileri gelişim riskini değerlendirme açısından faydalı olabilir.This study was planned in order to investigate serum adenosine deaminase (ADA) and xanthine oxidase activities and uric acid levels in coal miners. ADA contributes to maturation and functions of T-lymphocytes and is accepted as an indicator of cellular immunity. Besides, ADA regulates plasma level of adenosine, which is related with inflammatory response and cytokine produc-tion. XO, like ADA, is an enzyme of purine metabolism, and catalyzes reaction for uric acid formation. Occupational exposure to coal dust is the cause of pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, emphysema, silicosis and many other respiratory diseases. One of the most important factors related with pathogenesis of respiratory diseases in coal miners is that coal dust effects both cellular and humoral immune systems. In this study, 51 male coal miners were taken as study group and 51 males not working in coal mines were taken as control group. Serum ADA, XO activities and uric acid levels were studied in blood samples of both groups. Serum ADA and XO activities and uric acid levels were found to be significantly lower than the control group (p<O.OOl, p<0.05, p<0.01, respectively). As a result, coal miners are under risk of immune deficiency due to decrease in ADA enzymatic activity. Evaluation of plasma ADA activities of coal miners periodically can be beneficial for evaluation of immune system functions and risk of development of respiratory diseases

    Solarmeter Design for High Solar Radiation Measurement and Experimental Validation

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    In this study, a solar meter was designed to measure high solar radiation. The solar meter uses the characteristic properties of a solar cell in order to measure solar radiation. In this way, measurements can be carried out without any limitations. The solar radiation equation was entered into the ARDUINO microcontroller in the solar meter, and the results were compared through another commercial solar meter. These results were entered into STATGRAPHIC software and three different functions with high regression values were obtained. These three functions were entered into the Arduino microcontroller and the experiments were repeated. According to the comparisons made using commercial device, R2 values were determined as 0.944, 0.936, 0.938, and 0.986 for the first equation and for three different functions, respectively. Based on the values obtained, it has been determined that the solar meter can make highly accurate measurements and after the development of appropriate functions, it can be employed especially in high solar radiation concentrated systems.Yapılan bu çalışmada, yüksek güneş ışınımını ölçmek için bir solar metre tasarlanmıştır. Solar metre bir solar hücrenin karakteristik özelliklerini kullanarak güneş ışınımı ölçebilmektedir. Bu sayede herhangi bir sınırlama olmadan ölçüm yapılabilmektedir. Güneş ışınımı eşitlikleri ARDUINO mikro kontrol kartı aracılığıyla tasarlanan solar metreye girilmiştir ve başka bir ticari solar metre ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu sonuçlar STATGRAPICH programına işlenerek yüksek regresyon oranına sahip 3 farklı fonksiyon elde edilmiştir. Bu 3 fonksiyon tekrar ARDUINO mikro kontrol kartına girilerek deneyler tekrarlanmıştır. Ticari cihaz ile karşılaştırıldığında elde edilen R2 değerleri birinci eşitlik için 0.944 ve 3 farklı fonksiyon içinse sırasıyla 0.936, 0.939 ve 0.986 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen değerlere dayanarak, tasarlanan solar metrenin oldukça hassas ölçümler yapabileceği ve uygun fonksiyonların geliştirilmesinden sonra, özellikle yüksek güneş radyasyonlu yoğunlaştırıcılı sistemlerde kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir

    Implementations Of Ceramic Glaze On Natural Stone (Andesite)

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    Bu çalışmada, Afyon-İscehisar yöresi andezitlerinin üzeri sırla kaplandıktan sonra 1000, 1160 ve 1200 °C’de pişirilerek bünye-sır uyumu incelenmiştir. Andezitlere sır altı, sır içi, sır üzeri ve çıkartma teknikleri uygulanarak, iç ve dış mekânlarda kullanılabilecek farklı dekoratif yüzey görünümleri kazandırılmıştır. Bu amaçla farklı sır bileşimli çeşitli sır reçetesi hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, en uygun sıcaklığın 1160 °C olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    Evaluation of abdominal computed tomography findings in patients with COVID-19: a multicenter study

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    PURPOSE To evaluate the frequency of abdominal computed tomography (CT) findings in patients with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) and interrogate the relationship between abdominal CT findings and patient demographic features, clinical findings, and laboratory test results as well as the CT atherosclerosis score in the abdominal aorta. METHODS This study was designed as a multicenter retrospective study. The abdominal CT findings of 1.181 patients with positive abdominal symptoms from 26 tertiary medical centers with a positive polymerase chain-reaction test for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 were reviewed. The frequency of ischemic and non-ischemic CT findings as well as the association between CT findings, clinical features, and abdominal aortic calcific atherosclerosis score (AA-CAS) were recorded. RESULTS Ischemic and non-ischemic abdominal CT findings were detected in 240 (20.3%) and 328 (27.7%) patients, respectively. In 147 patients (12.4%), intra-abdominal malignancy was present. The most frequent ischemic abdominal CT findings were bowel wall thickening (n = 120; 10.2%) and perivascular infiltration (n = 40; 3.4%). As for non-ischemic findings, colitis (n = 91; 7.7%) and small bowel inflammation (n = 73; 6.2%) constituted the most frequent disease processes. The duration of hospital stay was found to be higher in patients with abdominal CT findings than in patients without any positive findings (13.8 ± 13 vs. 10.4 ± 12.8 days, P < 0.001). The frequency of abdominal CT findings was significantly higher in patients who did not survive the infection than in patients who were discharged after recovery (41.7% vs. 27.4%, P < 0.001). Increased AA-CAS was found to be associated with a higher risk of ischemic conditions in abdominal CT examinations. CONCLUSION Abdominal symptoms in patients with COVID-19 are usually associated with positive CT findings. The presence of ischemic findings on CT correlates with poor COVID-19 outcomes. A high AA-CAS is associated with abdominal ischemic findings in patients with COVID-19